Our company has designed and implemented an ISO 9001-certified Quality Management System, completely aligned with the company’s quality policy, indeed the company Nóos believes that the adoption of a quality management system has strategic value in enhancing the satisfaction of customers and other stakeholders involved in the activities we daily perform.


ISO 9001 certification is used in both private and public sectors to increase trust in products and services provided by companies, between commercial partners and business-to-business relations, in the choice of partners for the supply chain and in the selection of participants in calls for tenders.

According to the defined certification purpose, an organization with a certified management system provides with continuity products in compliance with statutory requirements and applicable regulations and aims at increasing customers satisfaction.

A management system in compliance with the ISO 9001 standard can represent a firm point for the company improvement and for providing to the company management a series of data to analyse in order to plan strategies and targets.


The Management of Nóos s.r.l. is aware of the centrality of the customer and other stakeholders and therefore agrees to:

  • establish partnerships with the suppliers always more solid and mutually beneficial
  • improve continuously the internal organization in order to provide a service to the customer with added value
  • make partnerships and established collaborations with the big player of our sector more solid, improving continuously our status on the market and our reputation
  • communicate with outside world efficiently and transparently
  • research, design and develop products able to guarantee the continue growth of customer’s satisfaction by performing suppliers con hight technical standards, with the respect of legal and quality requirements of our sector.

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